11 July 2009

How to submit InputText value with Enter Key in ADF Faces

My requirement was to have a input text box value submitted with enter key - without clicking any

button, invoke business logic and stay on the same page.
This is how it can be achieved

Firstly, I added valueChangeListener to the input box and associated it with a method in a managed


Page XML:

add these

attributes to inputText tag

onkeypress="return submitme()"

Secondly, I added JavaScript to the page, for submitting the form on click of enter key,
I have to name the form as myform in order to make this script work.


function submitme() {
if (window.event.keyCode == 13)
} else {
return false;

And finally, this is the backing bean code. Here I am calling gobutton_action method, which will take

care of the business logic that needed to be invoked on submit. I can bind it with the a method of

the Application Module. You can write a code that invokes an AppModule method.


public void myMethod(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent)
System.out.println("I am in Bean");

Now I can enter value in the textbox and hit enter key to submit the value.